Friday, 2 June 2017

School and football, a binomial that can and must be together.

There is something about the Enna Calcio and the "Federico ll" Institute that have started a relationship of sporting and promotional cooperation in the territory as well as exchanging important values.As a first step, the "Federicoll" acquired an Enna company share; Giuseppina Gugliotta and the yellow-green delegate administrator Fabio Montesano welcomed the purchase of the school leader Giuseppina Gugliotta, together with the President Luigi Stompo, General Manager Riccardo Caccamo, the head of the youth sector Maurizio Restivo, the responsable of the women football team, Daniela Basile, and the players Gentile , Di Stefano and the captain Restivo.
The Institute will produce a gadget for both male and female training, the mechanical sector is making a small 3D keyrings while the KI SCIAURU company will produce yellow green salts but wants to go further and it is likely that something will be seen at the Gialloverde party in program Sunday 12 on the return of Enna to "Gaeta" stadium. For "Federico ll" the meeting with Enna was a double celebration because, said the headmistress Giuseppina Gugliotta, “ We are reopening the fifth floor (kitchens) of our school, which is for us one of the strengths of our Institute, a moment we wanted to share with Enna football because” continues the headmaster “ school and sport is a binomial that must walk together”.
For the Ad Montesano “ Today it is an important part of our society with school institution such as Federicoll, but we will continue to collaborate in many initiatives aimed at the promotion of our city “, the Dg Caccamo recognizes the school “ An excellence of our territory “ while President Stompo has said “ Proud to have on our side an important institution like school “

binomial: two words separated by a conjuntion that almost always appear in the same order, term used referring also to two activities that can stay good toghether

share: part of a company that has been divided between several people

recognize: to accept that something is important 

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