Monday, 9 May 2016

Cieszyn Castle

They are the first center of design in Silesia, they show how design can change an enterprise. 

They cooperate with public institutions and they try to find solutions which can make life easier. 

Every year Castle starts making events in January - they makes concerts, workshops, lectures, meetings for kids, teenagers and adults.

In May they organize "Night of Museum". During this night people can visit public institutions like church or the tower during the night.

People know about the Castle but they also don't know about Castle's activities. They promote their events by sending e-mails, hanging posters, writing on Castle's Facebook. For events they often invite schools and kindergartens.

Workers try to make Castle place very friendly for others and place where you can feel very comfortable. Good feature of Castle is that all events are for free.

Their goals are to show that design can change reality. So their expositions are distinctive, unusual and you can't see this in another places. 

source for the picture: